Happy Phantoms Photography was started in 2012 as a way to capture the essence of the beautiful lives around me. What a gift it has been to not only have such a fulfilling creative outlet but to give back to all those who inspired me. Happy Phantoms…

Happy Phantoms Photography was started in 2012 as a way to capture the essence of the beautiful lives around me. What a gift it has been to not only have such a fulfilling creative outlet but to give back to all those who inspired me. Happy Phantoms Photography specializes in child and family photography but has experience in event, pinup, and boudoir photography.


No longer just a girl with a camera

My name is Ashley Hausman. I am a proud wife and mother to 2 of my biggest fans. My family relocated to Edwards, Ca in 2012 and this is where I started Happy Phantoms Photography.

I haven't always aspired to make photography my profession. Before moving to California, I was a healthcare professional and loved what I did. I was also the girl at all of the get togethers and functions with a camera in my hand. I have always loved the art of photography and how you can capture some powerful moments in pictures. As a little girl, I would line up all of my barbies and stuffed animals and take family portraits of them, hoping that I could capture one tiny spark of the magic I knew they surely possessed. I suppose that is when my passion for photography developed.

The transition from "girl who takes a lot of pictures" to "photographer at Happy Phantoms Photography" was a very organic one. As my interest in pictures grew, so did my knowledge of basic photography principles. My friends and family, who were constantly bombarded with my latest photography experiments, started to take notice and ask if I would be willing to take pictures of them for Christmas cards and such. With the encouragement and support from those around me, I started to build experience and a portfolio. And by the time I moved to California, I had the confidence I needed to reach out to the community as a photographer. 


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